Key considerations before purchasing a corset top


When you see those Instagram beauties wearing them, or even when you see some pals wearing them, you think, “I should get some because why not?” They look fantastic. You deserve to look well as well.

This is exactly how my sister and I felt when we chose to get a corset top. We had seen them everywhere and thought they looked wonderful, so we wanted to follow the trend. However, once we got it, there were several problems we wished someone had warned us about;

You need assistance; wearing a corset top is not simple, and you may require the assistance of a partner or perhaps a whole town to be able to pull it off effectively. We find it difficult to zip up dresses, so how much more difficult will it be to fasten a top with a back lacing? You’ll need it to wear and not just to wear it, but to take it off, so good luck locating it.

You’ll need to learn how to lace the corset top at the front, then turn it to the back and pull the lace from behind until it tightens up and fits the way it should if you want to try putting it on by yourself because you don’t have anyone to help you. If you don’t have the necessary skills, you might never be able to wear that top.

Being adaptable is important; my sister and I only understood this after purchasing this shirt. When trying to lace it, start at the front and then turn it to the rear before pulling it tight with your hands from behind. sigh! Such a hassle.

Ask God for patience as you continue practicing so you may grow better; don’t be like my sister and I who quit up when things became difficult. You need practice and the grace of God. Wearing it for the first time and taking it off are both stressful. Continue to practice until you become accustomed to it. YouTube videos are often quite helpful.

They’re not always as comfy as they appear, but after you get used to them, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. This is also crucial to note. So yes, if you want it, you should get it, but if things become difficult, keep going.

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